搜索 Stephen

  •   After some years of tension, Richard (Clive Owen) begins a sexual relationship with his sister Natalie (Saskia Reeves). Now married, the relationship proves dangerously obsessional. Their private intensity (& working class origins) c…
  •   A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help of evil scanners.
  • <p>  本片改编自今世爱尔兰最精采的诙谐小说家罗迪·道伊尔“社会三部曲”(The Barrytown Trilogy)中的第二部,报告了一个多子女的保守爱尔兰中下阶层家庭因为大女儿未婚先孕而引发的各种冲突和困扰。"Snapper"指的便是女儿肚子里的惹麻烦的胎儿。<br/>  本片拥有清晰明快的节奏和俊拔的表演,扮演从保守到开放的父…
  •   Overall, this is a banal story of revenge, in which as the Black Mamba Shannon Tweed - famous actress erotic genre in second-rate American films early and mid-90s. Actually, for the sake of her adventures, and its only worth watching. In…
  • <p>  此日无数往来于曼哈整理与新泽西州的海底地道的美公平易近众像往常一样在地道内抱怨着交通堵塞,岂料死神正在步步切近亲近。地道内一辆装满化学物品的卡车不测产生了爆炸,壮大的冲击力使得地道坍塌了,出进口都被堵死了。此时,地道内一片火海,充斥着有毒烟雾,河水也在不竭涌进,无数无辜的市平易近们能做似乎只有等死。<…
  •   故事报告在对一起搞砸的绑架事务查询拜访中,许多隐瞒已久的奥秘被揭开,它们与多小我物,以及如今的纽约文化有着接洽关系。
  •   A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
  •   服装计划师约翰,长相漂亮帅气,但在帅气的脸相下却有着阴晦的心理!因为不满于妃耦与其一起生存,约翰开端四处寻觅对象!可是,他找对象的启事并不是爱,而是将她们挥霍于本人的砍刀下,援助本人找出儿时的疾苦记忆!而此时,他的妃耦却可骇地一向“盘桓”在他的生存中。同时,差人也开端查询拜访被杀女子案件,约翰就是最大的思疑对象!
  •   When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil.
  •   1934年,英格兰南部,28岁的花店老板米兰达和其他五小我一样,稀里糊涂地被约请到亿万财主刘易斯·芬德利的豪宅共度周末。。。